Monday, March 26, 2012

Trayvon Martin... The face of us all

About a month ago and unarmed teen by the name of Trayvon Martin died at the hands of a neighborhood watch volunteer, George Zimmerman. George Zimmerman told police he shot the teen in self defense, but with little evidence to prove self-defense and enough proof to showcase racial discrimination and murder he still has not been charged. Why has justice not been served? Well in the video above Nancy Grace explains in the most obvious explanation in what way is the self-defense stand your ground clause applicable to such a case. I am mind boggled at the fact that a teen who was in a neighborhood in which he lived, had no useful force, and had no signs or use of a deadly weapon was shot dead and his family still have yet to see the killer imprisoned. There can be no self-defense for Zimmerman when he was the aggressor and enforcer of the threat.

Trayvon not only tried to get away from this man, but the dispatcher specifically told Zimmerman it is not his duty to follow the suspect. I raise the issue of this story because it amazes me how people can get away with murder right in front of the public eye. A woman smacks Kim Kardashian with a bag of flower and is arrested immediately and a man is walking free after shooting and killing an INNOCENT teen who was simply walking from the store in his own neighborhood.

The most disrespectful part of it all is that now the media is trying to convey a message that maybe Trayvon was a suspected deviant due to his recent suspension in school prior to the killing. Watch the video below on the parents reaction to this fatal incident.

The 17-year-old's death fueled calls for justice nationwide that continue to grow daily. Today Monday, March 26th rallies are planned from coast to coast to pay tribute to Martin or bring attention to the issue. I myself wore a hoodie, jeans and sneakers today to bring about awareness of the foolish, reckless act caused by this man who destroyed not only a family but many racial communities.

12:00 p.m. ET: Eatonville Townhall Location: Eatonville, Florida
Roland Martin will be hosting a town hall put on by the Paul C. Perkins Bar Association, in conjunction with the family and representatives of Trayvon Martin.
The forum was held prior to the National March for Justice.

12:30 p.m. ET – 1:30 p.m.: Remembering Our Lost at Carnegie Mellon University
Location: Academic Mall at Carnegie Mellon; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Details: A "Rally for Justice" that will be held at the Academic Mall, the main lawn on campus, to seek justice for Trayvon and all others who have been racially profiled or stereotyped, according to the student group organizing the rally.

3:00 p.m. ET: "Emergency Scream-out"
Location: Hall of Justice; 850 Bryant Street; San Francisco, California
This event is in solidarity with families and advocates in Florida who will be holding a rally for Trayvon Martin on the same day," according to a Facebook event page created by POOR Magazine and the Prensa POBRE & Idriss Stelly Foundation, which are sponsoring the event. The rally will take place at the Hall of Justice in San Francisco.

4:00 p.m. ET: Black Solidarity Rally
Location: U.S. Department of Justice; 1425 New York Ave. NW; Washington, D.C.
"Stand in Solidarity with forces around the country & let your voice be heard," organizers said. "Come out and put pressure on the U.S Dept. of Justice to prosecute George Zimmerman for the murder of Trayvon Martin."

4:00p.m. ET: Texas Southern University rally
Location: Student Center at Texas Southern University; Houston, Texas
A rally at the school will be held to draw attention to Martin's case. TSU student G. Christopher Cutkelvin told CNN affiliate KTRK that the outrage around campus surrounds wanting to know the truth."You know it's the pursuit of justice," Cutkelvin said. "It's not about color, it's not about race. It's the simple fact that, you know a situation happened, and the truth hasn't been told."

5:00 p.m. ET: Sanford, Florida town hall meeting
Location: Fort Mellon Park; Sanford, Florida
The City of Sanford is asking for civility and calm during the City Commission/Town Hall Meeting for Trayvon Martin. Martin's family will address those assembled during the meeting.

These are just some of the causes taking place to not only raise awareness but bring a change to what we accept in this country and let people get away with. On Friday, April 22nd, Join as many schools of the surrounding areas come together and wear hoodies and jeans to make a statement and birng together a community of people who wish for change. I will be geting involved will you. You can find out more at:

Monday, February 20, 2012

11 year old FED UP with the N word

Last year in February 11 year old McCoy came up with the idea, when at a loss for words, to write about the n word for a an oratorical competition at his church, and he won first place. This moving speech has gained national focus for his desire to abolish one of the most controversial racial slurs in America. This controversial term is debated by those who claim to be taking it back by saying this term to their friends or by those who just find it racist and distasteful. This young boy announced that the word was never a term of endearment or something capable of being reclaimed. It was a term to claim black people economically, politically and socially disenfranchised. Why as a people, whether you are colored or not, would we describe or refer to each other in such a word? It is not cool, hip, or reclaiming; rather, it is historically discriminatory and hindering to the growth of diversity.

We need to stand not only within the African-American community but as well as a nation in general to not let this odious term surpass and continue to cage us.

You can also see Jonathan McCoy on CBS news interviewed by Byron Pitts reports from Atlanta referring to his reasoning to creating this speech and why he has used it as a fuel to send a message nationwide. Click here to watch the video!

If you are AGAINST the N word SIGN THE PETITION here.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A loving husband kills his wife for having a baby girl and his mother, the wife's mother in law, assisted in this horrific act. In the country of Afghanistan being a woman is one of the hardest and most disgraceful things. According to Zainab Salbi, Founder and CEO of Women for Women International, since the Taliban times of violence women have gained rights against such acts and have gained a sense of identity, but because they are "women" according to some people's cultures women are the inferior gender and due to this belief practices are conducted against women degrading, assaulting and abusing them. What was the point of the rights and laws enacted for them? Who is responsible for not taking charge? What can they do to increase the likelihood of a CHANGE happening? What would be classified as formal equality in this situation? What would we consider the baseline of equality as in the baseline for women in Afghanistan?

Women and girls have no one to turn to because although rights have been implemented men in the country are still superior and believed over women. The government has played no real role in authorizing that women are treated with respect or alone as human beings. Moral equality has no relevance in this country, human rights are not of importance unless it pertains to the men. Women's rights are human rights, these traditions should not be seen as only a crime against women but as a flaw of the country as a whole. I believe not only as women should they have the right to safety, security, and life but they shouldn't fear that they are always at risk of harm. Having a society full of men would be useless in a sense of procreation and pointless in a sense of the household life, which is believed to be taken care of by women. It is contradictory for them to believe men are superior and that when their wives have girls it is a doom to their family, but then they need women to create more lives and form a stable home. How in any situation could a women control the sex of her child, as well how does this constitute as a reasoning to be murdered? Who places the pricing of a male-identified baby having a more successful or productive life than a female? This is absolutely unacceptable and an extreme call for justice and speaking out.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Creating Change: Day One #CC12

If you follow us on twitter than you know  we've been experiencing tons of fun and growth here at Creating Change. The goal of live-blogging, at least in my opinion, is to get resources and tools to folks who are unable to attend. If you're all up in our twitter, you also know that we attended the racial justice institutes. 

And we have some questions to pose to you all:

1. How do you show up in spaces? 
2. Have you thought about your race story? 
3. How do you process your own racial privilege/marginalization?
4. Do you assume peoples' ethnicity and culture based on the color of their skin?
5. Have you thought about the racial make-up of your close friends? 
6. Who do you date? What are some of the reasons, outside of sexual orientation, that your family not approve of someone your dating?
7. How do you understand the concept of intersectionality?
8. What does it mean to be your whole self?

We're going to leave you with questions as opposed to answers because finding out the answers for yourself is half the fun. By asking these questions of yourself and those around you, you will learn so much more than if we gave you our understanding of these experiences. Ask yourself these questions, and let us know if the answers surprise you!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Not Your Average Feminist & Creating Change 2012 #CC12

The 24th annual Creating Change is happening this week and I will be there keeping you updated on all of the amazingness!

"What’s Creating Change? Only the premier annual organizing and skills-building event for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and their allies.

The conference is run by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, and attracts more than 2,500 people from all over the country every year. Presenters and participants come from all walks of life and include members of the business community, elected officials, students, faith leaders and staff and volunteers of non-profit organizations.

Our five-day program features over 250 workshops and training sessions, four plenary sessions, and tons of networking opportunities.” –Creating Change Website

I will be cross-posting on another project I've been working on, Born Like This, and will be delivering you nightly recaps as well as live tweets throughout the day! If you are on twitter be sure to chat with us @NYAFeminist. Keep up on the trending topics with #CC12 and #LGBT. And if you aren’t following us on Twitter, what in the world are you waiting for?

And remember “Power is Sexy”