Sunday, May 30, 2010

"He"-larious anti-feminist filth

Please follow this link before continuing to read this post.

I'll give you a few seconds to get all your giggles/disgust out. Now that you've got that out of your system it's time to sadly recognize that there are people out there that actually believe in this garbage. Organized religion has long been used as a method for controlling different unpopular behavior, but were you aware that feminism has single-handedly caused the rate of divorce to rise? I'm sure your mind is buzzing with what kind of reasoning the author of the website uses. Well apparently if women decide to not do ALL of the cooking and cleaning in her household, God is going to be PISSED. If women choose to have careers or control over their own bodies or disobey their superior husbands...they will have to face God's wrath. Even domestic violence is not grounds for divorce according to the author.

I think faith and spirituality is a beautiful thing, but not when the minority turn religion into an ugly weapon. I'm pretty sure that "hate" wasn't the message that God wanted to get across.

Decide for yourself, but I'll leave you with the best quote:

Feminists are hypocrites who portray themselves as "victims" in a man's society. The truth is that they're angry at God, because God created women the WEAKER vessel, "Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the WEAKER VESSEL..." (1st Peter 3:7)
. it.

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