Sunday, May 9, 2010

Open-Ended Question about Responding...

There have been several instances in my last four years as an undergrad that I have been lost for words. Why? Because these things have been said to me by at least five different people:

"Before I met you, I didn't like Black people..."

"But I'm not afraid of you because you have a calming energy..."

"I've never been friends with a poor Black person before, but you seem different..."

"You're not loud and ignorant must be because you're only half-Black..."

These are exact quotes from different people (both friends, ex-friends, and ex-girlfriend). I never know how to respond to these types of statements. In my heart I know the only reason why they say these things is because they have never been exposed to actual people of color. They clearly have relied on television and their parents as a resource. In my heart I'm glad I can change this awful misconception.

But in my heart there is a part of me that would find joy in making people like this uncomfortable and "afraid." Because I have been told time and time again that statements like this don't stem from malice, but from ignorance, it's hard for me to access my anger. Instead I passive aggresively write blogs about it. But hopefully this will be a little more productive! Now it's your turn...

How would you respond to statements like these?

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