Thursday, July 22, 2010

Incarceration Blues...Part IV (POLICE BRUTALITY)

This all began because a man jaywalked in Seattle...

I wish that there was a little bit more of filming done before the situation escalated, but regardless of the struggle...the woman in the pink shirt did NOT deserve that punch in the face. I wonder if it's protocol to punch a woman who was trying to stop the physical struggle. Of course the woman in black would resist in the second half of the video...her friend had just gotten punched in the face. There has to be some back story to this, probably a long history of police brutality in the area. Why else would a crowd gather so quickly and begin filming as if they knew that the cop was going to become violent. That type of reaction comes from experience. I wonder how long it will take the cop to apologize, go through an obligatory "trial," and then get back on the street.

This is just another display of power dynamics at work. Some say that the woman deserved the treatment, but I ask you this: When was the last time that you saw a lady punched in the face for jay walking in suburbia? Bergen County? Your town? Never perhaps? If we can not trust those who are supposed to protect and serve will we survive as a civilization?

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