Friday, August 6, 2010


So I've been watching MTV's "If You Really Knew Me" and I CAN'T get enough of "Challenge Days!" I also recently led a really productive diversity workshop last Sunday. With all of this on my mind, I've decided to challenge YOU! That's right, I'm talking to you. Every once in a while I think we all need to sort of check ourselves to know if we're practicing what we preach.

Here's the challenge:

Take a look at your group of friends and figure out some common traits among you. Now this could be ethnicity, CLASS, age, sexual identity, gender, nationality...etc. Now ask yourself how many people in your group of friends don't share the most prevalent common trait? I'll make this a little bit easier for you, ask yourself this:

Are all my friends the same ethnicity?
Are most of my friends the same gender?
Are most of the people I surround myself with from similar neighborhoods?
Walking through the halls, do I wave to the same type of people?

The answers to these questions might make you realize that you're not as out of your comfort zone as you might think, or that perhaps you have a few "token" friends in your group. Comment with your results!


  1. Very good. I have seen this challenge before (It may have come up in a converstaion or class we have had together?) Regardless, I love these challenges. I think I do alright :)

  2. What is interesting, is that I do not have as many friends as I would like in my own class background. I have a few, one in particular that I cherish, and we always end up talking about class issues together. In my quest to "better" myself and become more aware and obtain more education, I have put a very large distance between myself and my roots. All in the name of diversity and tolerance!
