Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dear're an idiot...

Ann Coulter spoke at Homocon, a convention for gay conservative GOP supporters, and thought it would be a great idea to say the following:

(marriage) "is not a civil right — you're not black,"

"as soon as they find the gay gene, you know who's getting aborted."

There are a few sad things about all of this. Number 1: why the fuck would any gay person want to hear this woman speak after she called numerous people fagots. Number 2: Although I hope they never find the mythical gay gene, what she says could, sadly, actually happen. Number 3: So are there no gay black men? Or were there just no gay black men in the room? I'd bet that her audiences generally tend to not have very many people of color in them...

I saw her speak once. She opened with two jokes:

"Hello, I'm Ann Coulter, press 1 for English."
"So as you all know Obama is our first black president. And with the way things are going, he'll certainly be the last..."

It was terrifying. People laughed at these "jokes." People actually believe in what this woman is saying, although I did take comfort in the fact that the audience was mostly 50+. A lot of the Tea Party members also fit this bill, but their popularity is growing everyday. Take Christine O'donnell for instance who recently beat a Republican candidate and who believes that masturbation should be made illegal. REALLY? So what's the conclusion to all this? YOU NEED TO VOTE IF YOU DON'T WANT NUT JOBS TAKING OVER THE COUNTRY.

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