Hey Everyone! My name is Chris Woods and I am a senior at New York University studying English and Religious Studies. I am currently applying for graduate school programs in Higher Education and Student Affairs. With that said, I spend all my time trying to make my NYU community a more aware and safe place for all students. I work at the NYU LGBTQ Student Center, facilitating the Quench biweekly lunch series and have started two new groups in the LGBTQ Student Center, the Interfaith Group (for queer students to discuss issues around faith) and the Men's Group (for male-identified queer folk). I am also a Resident Assistant for 45 amazing freshmen students! My goal for my future career in student affairs is to make my student feel beautiful, uninhibited by life, and supported as they find their way towards self-discovery.
Trying to negotiate and understand my identities as a Puerto Rican/Irish, lower middle class, gay, politically queer, temporarily able-bodied, Christian/Catholic man from the Bronx has made me particularly interested in looking at the ways in which social identities intersect and complicate the way that we understand people. At NYU, my academic interests have been on women studies and feminist movements, representations of gender and sexuality in popular culture and how religion plays a role in these representations, critical race theory, literary theory and study in queer, Black, Asian, and Latino literatures (many of these literatures intersect of course), and radical sex theory. My goal for the blog is to post different articles, videos, media representations, etc. that complicate the way we traditionally think about different social identities and how they intersect.
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