Hello Viewers, My name is Ashley Cummings and I am a Program Coordinator at the Women’s Center. I have a strong passion for justice and I do not take ignorance or injustice lightly…. I love social justice, activism, feminism, and public uproars of the social issues in the world. I am identified by society as a multicultural female of African and Italian descent but I classify myself as a colorful human being, a QUEER, feminist and beautiful creation. I am the first college student in my family and plan not to be the last. I major in Law& Society and minor in Psychology, with goals pursuing me as a social issues activist as well a Legal/Forensic Investigator. I am a proud sister of the almighty alpha chapter of BETA KAPPA SIGMA, Black and Latina Sorority, INC., and a member of many clubs on campus.
I believe in diversity and unity, being bound by one common goal and that is freedom. I dream of a world where everyone is accepted no matter what creed, color, or race, sexuality, preference, or identity. Standing together different in our own way but alike in our goals. We are all a collection of different layers and we wear them all everyday, we are common but yet so different. The world must open their eyes to so many aspects of life they could learn about from those of us classifies as “different”, we would do so much more if we let each other have a voice. I am thrilled to express myself in blog and hope to see people not who agree with me but take away a different way of thinking because of me.
“Men hate each other because they fear each other, and they fear each other because they don’t know each other, and they don’t know each other because they are often separated from each other.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.
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