Change your Facebook profile to this!

And then add this caption:
For NJ:
For NY:
Here is a script I wrote:
"Hello Senator _______. My name is _____ and I am one of your constituents. I am contacting you today because my reproductive rights are under attack as we speak. By voting to eliminate federal funds to Planned Parenthood, you are seriously jeopardizing the ability of thousands of people to access basic services like STI testing and treatment, prenatal care, HIV/AIDS testing, and safer sex supplies. There are hundreds of people in my community that need affordable access to these vital services. As someone who may potentially support you in the next election, I urge you to stand up for what's right and vote to keep Planned Parenthood funded and in operation. Choice is not enough! We need to be able to afford make the right decision and choose to support reproductive justice for all. Thank you."
And if you're in the NYC area, come to Foley Square on Saturday at 2!
fortunately, it is unlikely the bill will pass in the Senate.