UPDATE:This site is now consists for archival purposes! Please visit the new Not Your Average Feminist Tumblr Page for daily posts: http://www.notyouraveragefeminist.com/
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Obama used in another anti-choice ad targeting black women...
Sickening, I know. This advertisement will be plastered all across Chicago, Obama's hometown, within the next few weeks. As conservatives have proved time and time again, they are all about "saving" children from lower socio-economic backgrounds, but against helping to support them once they're in this world. I wanted to offer some more common realities for our country's future leaders:
-Our next possible leader's parents are told that public assistance such as foodstamps, section 8, welfare, or WIC, will be decreased because they are too taxing on our budget.
-Our next possible leader is forced into an unequal education system where teachers aren't paid enough, books haven't been updated in years, and facilities are in desperate need of repair because they have been deemed as an academic lost cause.
-Our next possible leader is forced into gang-life because no one else is there looking out for them, including the police.
-Our next possible leader may be arrested for several minor offenses, that were only committed as means of survival, as funding for policing and the prison system increases and prisoners are used as cheap sources of labor.
-Our next possible leader is told that their Pell grant is only going to be covering 1/5 of your education costs at a traditional four-year institution.
-Out next possible leader decides they don't want to play your reindeer games of politics because they see how viciously conservative "activists" attack Barack Obama based on the color of his skin:

I'm sorry folks but you can't have it both ways. You can't treat a group of people like a subspecies of human beings while at the same time try to "save them from themselves." No one is falling for it, and black women will not act as your pawns in your attack on women's rights.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Once in a while, you find something that speaks exactly to your experience...
Saturday, March 26, 2011
"There's a communist living in the White House"
1) Obama is NOT a communist
2) What the hell is so great about capitalism anyway?
3) Are you seriously trying to invoke Red Scare sentiments (ok fine, I may be impartial to communism, but that's something I won't apologize for, nor is it something that is illegal)
4) "Black liberation" is not Marxist...it's a struggle that was started long before you, still a struggle today, and it's ultimately inevitable...GET OVER IT!
5) In fact, I feel like the source of your issues with Obama are more rooted in
"black liberation" than in communism. (and by "black liberation" I mean of course that Obama is black and you and the "sweet tea drinkers" can't deal)
6) Finally, and perhaps most importantly...you are a terrible singer/uke player...
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Higher Ed and Social Justice: Meaningful Diversity
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Color Me Feminist
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Well....that wasn't very funny at all
Chick-Fil-A exposed...
Since 2008, Chick-fil-A has been a sponsor of All Pro Dad, a program created by the Tampa-based organization Family First, also known as the "Florida Family Council." The Florida Family Council is an affiliate of the American Family Association, which has been designated as an anti-gay hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. [The Gospel According to Disney, 2004; SPLC, Spring 2005]
- Chick-fil-A Sponsors All Pro Dad. [Chick-fil-A, accessed 2/4/11; Voice of Reason, No.3, 2005]
- Family First Is Actually The Florida Family Council. [Trademarkia, accessed 2/4/11 and 2/4/11]
- Florida Family Council is an Affiliate of the American Family Association [The Gospel According to Disney,2004];
- SPLC designated the American Family Association an anti-gay hate group [SPLC, Spring 2005]
Here is the video in question that has the American Family Association so upset:
I know I know, totally ironic that Chick-fil-a is complaining about being criticized and boycotted, particularly on college campuses, yet they are giving money to organizations that are doing the EXACT same thing. Taken from the American Family Association page again:
Over one-half million people have signed a pledge to boycott The
Home Depot until it agrees to remain neutral in the culture and political war over homosexual marriage.
Everyone has the right to boycott whomever they wish to boycott...free speech...whatever.
But I have to have a few words of advice for Chick-fil-a: Don't dish it out if you can't take it. And stop trying to hide the fact that you're dishing it out, the queers have caught on. You've brought this boycott on yourself.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Cisgender Privilege
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Meet Travis!!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
The girl you just called fat?
The Girl you just called fat? She has been starving herself & has lost over 30lbs. The Boy you called stupid, he has a learning disability & studies over 4hrs a night. The Girl you called ugly? She spends hours putting make-up on hoping people will like her. The Boy you just tripped? He is abused enough at home. There's a lot more to people then you think. Put this as your status if you're against bullying.
I think using facebook statuses is a really creative way of bringing awareness of different social issues that people usually don't encounter in their normal routine. I especially love it when it comes from someone unexpected, or offers support to someone anonymously listening. However I want to add to the spirit of this message that it's not only negative words that work their way into a person's psyche or become part of an accepted discourse. It's ALL language - sometimes even things that are well-intentioned - that have power in shaping someone's identity, self-esteem and sel-concept. So I offer an alternative facebook status as just food for thought :).
The girl you just called SKINNY? She has been starving herself and lost over 30 lbs to fit a societal imperative that she be "beautiful" according to a prejudiced, unhealthy and unrealistic/unattainable ideal. The boy you called STUPID? He is an imaginative and enthusiastic painter, but is branded as inferior according to a single definition of success. The girl you called BEAUTIFUL? She lives in a society where it matters what other people think of her, and where she is expected to welcome comments on her body and taught to need external validation of her self-worth. The boy you just tripped? He is secretly afraid and starts to bully others to protect his own ego.
There's a lot more to people than you think. Sometimes it's not just the negative comments that get to us, but the positive ones that have only the best intentions. Commenting on others' bodies is supposed to make them feel good. Kids who are bullied get more empathy than the bullies who are bullied. Language has power, plain and simple. But thinking about the things we say and do that are so deeply ingrained we don't even question them? Now THERE'S a powerful message.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Body Image and Queer Intersections...
Bad-Ass Folk!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Please Watch...
This video is disgusting. And I was literally brought to tears after viewing it. If you want to read more about the protest, click here. I can't really bring myself to look at it anymore, so I won't be posting a longer blog. The video speaks for itself.