Sickening, I know. This advertisement will be plastered all across Chicago, Obama's hometown, within the next few weeks. As conservatives have proved time and time again, they are all about "saving" children from lower socio-economic backgrounds, but against helping to support them once they're in this world. I wanted to offer some more common realities for our country's future leaders:
-Our next possible leader's parents are told that public assistance such as foodstamps, section 8, welfare, or WIC, will be decreased because they are too taxing on our budget.
-Our next possible leader is forced into an unequal education system where teachers aren't paid enough, books haven't been updated in years, and facilities are in desperate need of repair because they have been deemed as an academic lost cause.
-Our next possible leader is forced into gang-life because no one else is there looking out for them, including the police.
-Our next possible leader may be arrested for several minor offenses, that were only committed as means of survival, as funding for policing and the prison system increases and prisoners are used as cheap sources of labor.
-Our next possible leader is told that their Pell grant is only going to be covering 1/5 of your education costs at a traditional four-year institution.
-Out next possible leader decides they don't want to play your reindeer games of politics because they see how viciously conservative "activists" attack Barack Obama based on the color of his skin:

I'm sorry folks but you can't have it both ways. You can't treat a group of people like a subspecies of human beings while at the same time try to "save them from themselves." No one is falling for it, and black women will not act as your pawns in your attack on women's rights.
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