Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'm not racist but...


Check out this amazing blog that collects facebook writings that contain some form of "I'm not racist but..."

Here are some of the worst ones so far, click to enlarge (TRIGGER WARNING)

I definitely encountered a person or two (or several) in my college days that spouted some similar garbage. I always find it interesting that the people who use this type of language will try to distance themselves from "real racism." As though they are just saying what everyone is thinking. Racism is racism, regardless of whether or not you put a disclaimer on it. If you have facebook friends worthy of this site, submit a status or two!


  1. wow the most disrespectful thing someone can do is blatantly be racist and then deny it... This has got to be the most obnoxious thing ever. For a society that deems itself as overcoming racism, we are far from it. I SHALL WAIT TO SEE THE DAY. Thank you for all the eye opening post you put up Z love them all :-)

  2. Maybe I just don't get it, but the excited tone of this article seems really misplaced. Instead of celebrating someone's stupidity, why can't we acknowledge the stupidity and then try to get to the root of the ignorance. It could have just rubbed me the wrong way, but a post like this made me seriously consider if I want to keep reading this blog.

  3. Hello Lola,

    This post is purely satire. Of course I am not literally excited by the racist facebook posts here, in fact they disgust me. What I am more celebratory about is the fact that there are others out there that feel the same way I do about all the racist bull shiz that people think they can get away with on Facebook (and in life).

    The root of the ignorance is just that...ignorance. And ignorance is never something to celebrate.

    I use satire (and humor for that matter) quite often on NYAF to alleviate the stress of constant racial microaggressions that I face on a day to day basis... Sometimes I need to laugh at all the ridiculous that happens in this world. I apologize if you read this differently...and I hope you continue to read.
