Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You down with GOP?...Hell to the no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This week, the GOP has proven to me why they have lost touch with most people, especially those under 40.

Reason number one:

Well, with people like that behind GOP strategy...

Reason number two:

They blocked the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Although, why gay people would even want to defend a country that tells them they aren't real human beings is beyond me...

Reason number three:

Over at Joe.My.God, an anonymous commenter posted "All Faggots Must Die" on a piece about the republican block of a DADT repeal. Readers of the blog demanded something be done and that the IP address be traced. Any guesses on where the post came from? If you guessed an office in Atlanta that houses both Sen. Saxby Chambliss’ and Sen. Johnny Isakson’s staff, you'd be right. These are the people the republican senators deem acceptable hires.

Don't get me wrong, I know I'm over generalizing. I know not ALL Republicans are racist or homophobic, but sometimes it seems like no one is really all that for the queer community right now. Obama doesn't believe in equal marriage, the GOP thinks we should die, and the Tea-Baggers don't even believe we'll rot in hell. I'll see you there!

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