Thursday, April 22, 2010


I first saw this video on Feministing, but I reallllly wanted to post Kiely's response video. In case you have no idea what I'm talking about, ex-Disney star Kiely recently released her first single. It goes a little something like this...

This video is disgusting. Talk about perpetuating rape culture. You are probably able to form your own opinions, but I do want to relay a few legal things:

YES while intoxicated MEANS NO
...someone who is passed out can not legally consent.

Women are constantly taught to blame themselves when they experience sexual assault. "I shouldn't have been wearing that. I shouldn't have been walking alone. I shouldn't have drank so much." Our parents tell us to be careful and to protect ourselves.

What should the real message be and to whom should it be delivered? It's rather simple actually: "DON'T RAPE!" For far too long, the message has been loud and clear: "Boys will be boys"...and girls are just going to have to learn to deal with it. This awful mentality only supports sexual assault while shaming the survivors into not seeking the help they need.

Kiely doesn't see what the big deal is. Here is her response:



  1. ...Don't shoot the messenger? Are you fucking kidding me?

    There's another side to this problem that I think should be considered too, which is that we're not really to the point yet where it's "okay" for women to want sex, or at least not the way men do. In this video there's someone who wanted something, but the only way she could get it and not be quote-unquote at fault for it is to intentionally remove herself from her ability to make rational decisions. How do you acknowledge your natural desire for sex and still get around the madonna/whore dichotomy that society can't seem to shake? Rather than DOING something, you allow it to be done TO you.

    Also that song really really sucks.

  2. not only is the message terrible, the song itself just sounds terrible.
