Friday, February 18, 2011

Lived Experiences are Rare and Powerful...

I've sort of avoided talking about the trio of initiatives aimed against reproductive rights because I've been too busy praying that they will just go away. How could anyone support these heinous pieces of legislation? Well folks, the nightmare is coming to fruition, and I'm extremely tense about the outcome.

1) The Pence Bill would take away all federal funding from Planned Parenthood. Essentially, this would shut many Planned Parenthoods down and take away not only accessible abortions, but STI testing and treatment, cancer screenings, safer sex supplies, and other services many folks can't afford. Here is a woman's voice on the issue:

2) H.R. 3: This bill is attempting to redefine rape in an effort to restrict what kinds of rape are acceptable excuses for abortions. This would mostly affect survivors of statutory rape and date-rape where alcohol or drugs were involved. Here is a woman's voice on the issue:

3) H.R. 358: This bill would also allow individual doctors with moral conflict to refuse abortions in situations where the mother's life was at risk. The doctor would not even be required to refer the patient to another doctor who would perform the abortion. This is a pro-choice debate in a completely different sense. The mother has to choose between her life and her child's. Here is a woman's voice on the issue:


There is an attack on women in this country happening RIGHT NOW. Did you know that all of this was going on? Or that there was another bill in South Dakota that would have allowed the murdering of women who seek abortions and the doctors that perform them under a "justifiable homicide" clause? Luckily that bill has been shelved (for now), but The Pence Bill especially is gaining momentum. And as you can imagine, it's being supported overwhelmingly by white upper-middle class men who will never experience childbirth or abortion or miscarriage. Listen to those powerful, brave women who are sacrificing revealing their private lives so that you all could have some real education about what it's like to actually go through what you're voting on.


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